pfp by chewzers :3

art by @chewzers ^^

hello !!

you can call me banny or banban
ITA / ENG / BR (a little)
i like yellow

>> I'm a freelance illustrator who likes drawing whathever they feel like drawing at the moment, and i procrastinate a lot
My artstyle varies very much, it depends on my mood, recent art i saw, and motivation lol !
I plan on learning animation and making scenery/more complex stuff atm
>> I like furry/anthro characters but also many other different stuff, i'm very flexible with my obsessions>> I'm..... not very talkative, and pretty awkward but feel free to talk to me if you want, chances are that i'm more scared of you than you are of me ! (i dont bite)if you want to contact me!!
→ Discord : bannyyy


they them
my sona
yellow tanuki :)

Comms are closed for now x_x